DSCR-Desktop Sputter and Carbon Coater
Desktop SEM/TEM System
SEM/TEM sample prep Vac Techniche
Sample preparation using sputter coating is the recognized method for non-conductive and low conductive specimens or samples.
Vac Techniche DSCR has been developed to exceed the requirements for SEM/TEM sample preparation. The compact and easy to use sputter coater, has the option of using existing pumps or supplied with a pump.
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For external pumping the onboard computer controls the pump or pumping rig.
For applications where Turbo pumping is required, the DSCT has integral Turbo vacuum pump with options of standard or larger vacuum vessels to accommodate most sample and specimen sizes.
The Vac Techniche Desktop Sputter Coater enables thin film sputter coating of noble metals: gold (Au), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), and gold/palladium (Au/Pd) on non-conductive or poorly conductive samples or devices.
Onboard computer integration makes the Desktop Sputter coater an ideal laboratory and research tool for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy analysis(TEM).
One of the benefits of our DSCR design is the rapid pump-down time making it a production tool in addition to a research instrument, for applications such as optical coatings.
DSCR Thin Film
DSCR thin films are deposited with fine control producing repeatable results when used in Automatic mode.
Carbon coating attachment

Touch Screen Control

DSCR-Desktop SEM/TEM Sputter and Carbon Coater with 7-inch color touchscreen and full automatic control and data input allows even inexperienced users to operate the system.
Vacuum, current, and deposition information are displayed as digital data or curves on the touchscreen. The system also saves information on the last 300 coatings in a history page.
Sample Holders

The DSCR can be equipped with a variety of sample stage configurations to meet the specific needs of each user. The standard sample stage is rotatable with adjustable height and angle, and can be easily changed to accommodate different types of samples. Other sample stage options include a vacuum-compatible stage, a heated stage, and a stage with multiple sample holders.
DSCR Facility
DSCR has the facility to accommodate carbon coating attachment, ideal for SEM/TEM preparation.
The DSCR is a sputter coater, with carbon coater attachment in one compact instrument is ideal especially when laboratory space is short.
Carbon Rod evaporation is also available on request.
Vacuum pump is not supplied, can be provided on request.
Carbon Coating Head

The DSCR features an interchangeable head designed for carbon coating purposes, offering the capability to load two carbon fibers with a diameter of 0.8 mm. This enables the application of thicker carbon films when needed.
DSCR-Desktop Sputter and Carbon Coater More Details
Options and Accessories
Two-stage, direct drive 4m3/h, rotary vane pump
170 mm OD x 140 mm Pyrex cylinder chamber
Dimensions: 45 Cm H x 50 Cm W x 37 Cm D
2 inches magnetron cathode
Ultimate Vacuum: Less than 50 millitorr
Planetary sample rotation
Thermocouple vacuum gauge
Quartz crystal thickness monitor with precision of 1nm
Electrical control shutter
Automatic venting valve
Saving the last 300 coatings that carried out
Utilities: 220V-240V, 50/60HZ- 10A
80 Watt DC switching power supply
Transfer the curves and sputtering process data by USB port to PC
Shipping Weight: 42Kg
The Desk Sputter Coater, model DSCR, serves as an essential component of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) sample preparation. It features a rotary pump, ensuring a vacuum level below 50 mTorr, which is well-suited for sputter coating with noble metals and carbon fiber evaporation coating. For sputter deposition of oxidizing metals, field emission SEM (FE-SEM), SEM EDX, and TEM applications, we recommend exploring the DST1, DSCT, and DCT models.
170 mm OD x 140 mm Pyrex cylinder chamber.
Dimensions: 45 Cm H x 50 Cm W x 37 Cm D.
Shipping Weight: 42Kg.
Utilities: 220V-50Hz – 10A.
80 Watt DC switching power supply.
Ultimate Vacuum: Less than 50 milli-torr.
2 inches magnetron cathode.
Electronic shutter.
Precision metering valve in order to control the vacuum pressure.
USB port for export and record process data.
The Desk Sputter and Carbon Coater has the following options and accessories:
Carbon rod evaporation head
High current power supply for carbon rod
Quartz crystal sensor
Planetary sample rotation
Spare glass vacuum chamber
Sputtering Targets
Carbon fiber
Sealing gaskets