Raman Microscope From Vac Techniche
Raman Spectroscopy
Sample analysis using the inelastic scattering (Raman Scattering) of the monochromatic light from our on-board laser, having a range of Visable, near infrared wavelengths.
Photonic interaction with molecular and/or atomic vibrations provides an photon energy shift, the deflected light is processed using our Emerald Spectrometer, providing high resolution spatial integrity.
Our compact benchtop imaging is designed specifically as a multi-discipline scientific analysis instrument
The most common applications include
- Nanotechnology.
- Geological
- Pharmaceuticals
- Polymers
- Forensic
- Surface Analysis
The open and flexible system design provides the ability to analysis samples without any sample preparation, having the optical microscope provides the facility to easily identify important areas for analysis.
Maximum detail
High resolution of Image
Optical Microscopy
Characterisation if small particles present
Identification of impurities
High detection ability
increased Sensitivity
Results able to match Library information
Powders in Plastic packages
Liquids in clear and Brown bottles
Powders in multi-dimpled plates
Liquids in multi-dimpled plates
Slurries in multi-dimpled plates
Samples in tubes, Vials and Cuvettes
Samples in blister packs
Surface analysis
Organic samples analysis
Inorganic sample analysis
532nm Wavelength
Power 100 mW
Power control
10% to 100%
Hamamatsu High sensitivity low noise
Cooling up to -15C
Signal to noise ratio 1000:1
Integration time 15 msec to 10 mins
Resolution and Range
Spatial Resolution on Samples apporximately 12um
Spectral resolution 10 cm-1
Spectral Range 150-4600 cm-1
10% to 100%
Power requirements
200-240 V ac
50-60 Hz
Singel phase
Approximately 25Kg
Size W 25.5cm x H 45cm x D 59.5cm
Single phase